What and how to write on the blog?

What and how to write on the blog? 

What and how to write on the blog?

Some people don't understand what to write on a blog and where to start. I think you just need to take the first step.  Next, your own blog, other blogs, and readers' comments will inform what to write.  First of all, you should introduce yourself on your blog so that the readers know about you.  

After that write more according to your interest and field.  The best way to start blogging is to put what you see, what you feel into simple words and write a blog.  Suppose you saw an accident somewhere or saw something unique, now what do you conclude from this accident or unique thing?  

Why did this happen?  What were the motivations behind it?  Think about what effect you and others got from it, etc. and then write them on your blog and share them with others.  First, your voice reaches others and then when others give their opinion, you get an idea of ​​what others think about it.  

In this way, you will gradually gain experience in writing a blog.  Those who are associated with some field should try to write mostly related to their field because it will give life to your writing and you will be able to express your point of view in a better way.  

Also, as far as I am concerned, write about real life experiences instead of fictional stories.  First, your experiences and reviews will reach other people, and when readers leave comments, you will see many other sides of the picture.  Which will make your thinking more mature.  Well, my advice is that before starting your blog, read some blogs of your choice, which will give you a better idea of ​​what blogging is and how it can be started.  A few other tips: Whatever you write, write it based on full references and solid evidence so that if someone argues with you, you can give a satisfactory answer.  I always show positive thinking.  

Don't ever think that you are a big thirty-something because your blog will be read by people of different mindsets in different places around the world, many of whom may be even more capable than you.  Therefore, if you blog in a way of learning, teaching and advice, you will get countless benefits and if you try to force your thoughts on others, you may also have to eat your mouth because in this world only  You are not the only one who is intelligent, there are also great people.  So never be aggressive.  

I should express my point of view with complete arguments and a better way with a positive thinking and if someone disagrees with you in the answer, at least consider his answer because you may be making a mistake somewhere.  If you feel that you are at fault, instead of getting into a battle of egos, correct yourself so that you can blog better.If you follow the formula of "Ego" or "I don't believe" then you and your thinking may be damaged in blogging.  And if you are absolutely sure that the other person is in a false position, try to convince him in a constructive manner.  If you are successful, then much better, and if you are not successful, then do not prolong the discussion, but keep silent on this issue.  In blogging, keep in mind that the world is colorful and everyone has their own opinion, so it is not necessary that everyone agrees with you.  There may be criticism of your words, so I develop tolerance in blogging.  

If you can't do that, then understand that you will fight in the blogging world but not blogging.  It is dynamic, today something can be different tomorrow.  Human thinking is also active.  Therefore, be flexible in your writing and thinking, because if your thinking changes with the change of time, this flexibility will benefit you and if your thinking really changes, then use your today to prove your old opinion.  I should not spoil it, but I should admit that until yesterday I used to think this, while with the change of time, my thinking has also changed.  However, the lock of stagnation on thinking creates disorder.  Never share any personal information on the blog that may harm you now or in the future.  Whatever you write, write carefully.  Remember that your blog is a reflection of your personality.


  1. আপনার স্বাস্থ্য এবং সৌন্দর্যের জন্য dxn পণ্য ব্যবহার করুন।
    আরো বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য অনুগ্রহ করে ভিজিট করুন

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