Best plugins for WordPress 2022

WordPress Plugins: The 14 Best Options for Your Website in 2022

WordPress Plugins

optimize the performance and management of websites and blogs built on the platform.

Thanks to them, even beginners in programming can add important functionality for the aesthetics, performance and analysis of websites, such as a shopping cart, forms and much more.

There are more than 50,000 plugins available in the WordPress repository and without them, the content management platform would not be able to offer so many possibilities to users.

But how not to go wrong when installing your WordPress plugins and which ones are essential for your website in 2022? Find out here!

What are WordPress Plugins?

WordPress plugins are simple pieces of software, written primarily in PHP language, with the purpose of enhancing or adding functionality to a WordPress site.

Although WordPress is a very lightweight and to some extent limited platform, new features can be quickly added to a website or blog . via a plugin.

Therefore, WordPress plugins add functionality to your website without you having to touch a single line of code, such as:

Dynamic buttons for your social networks
Newsletter subscription forms
On-page SEO optimization to improve your organic positioning
However, while they are quite useful, you shouldn't just go to the WordPress repository and start installing every plugin that does something interesting!

Instead, install only the plugins you need, and when you no longer need them, it is advised that you remove them.

Otherwise, one plugin may slow down your site or not work well in conjunction with another.

So always think about your website needs before installing something.

Free and paid plugins

Many developers and designers offer free plugins as part of their website development services.

In addition, the WordPress repository contains a number of plugins that can be installed for free and that suit most users.

Understand the difference between free and paid (or premium) WordPress plugins:

Free plugins for WordPress

The free plugins available in the WordPress repository are usually developed by the community members themselves.

All these plugins go through rigorous review before you can use them.

So you can install a plugin whenever you need to. Users install them for various reasons as each plugin meets a specific and specific need.

Some examples of free and popular plugins are Akismet, Contact Form 7 and WP Super Cache.

Paid Plugins for WordPress

A WordPress user can also purchase premium plugins from third-party WordPress developers.

The set price depends on the additional features the plugin offers, including regular updates and customer support.

Thus, among the best options for paid plugins are WP Rocket, to improve the response time of your website, Gravity Forms, to generate more dynamic forms and UpdraftPlus, which guarantees a backup in case of data loss.

All of them have a free version and are also available in a premium version.

WordPress Plugins

1. W3 Total Cache

If you want to optimize the performance of your WordPress site, W3TC is the ideal plugin.

Easy to use, the premise is to improve your website's SEO and user experience, especially on the mobile version.

W3 Total Cache also helps to increase the performance of your pages, reducing loading time. The plugin has a free version!

2. Imagify

Imagyfy is a plugin that allows you to compress and resize images on your website. This helps your pages load faster, improves user experience and improves your site's ranking on Google.

Also, Imagify is free for up to 25MB of images per month.

3. BlogVault

Do you need a simple solution for WordPress backups? BlogVault is a complete solution for managing your website, used by more than 400,000 customers.

This plugin includes features like incremental backups, site restore, migration functionality as well as WooCommerce backups.

In addition, BlogVault will help you automate website management, keeping your data safe at all times.

4. NextGen Gallery

NextGen Gallery is a fundamental plugin for managing photo galleries. It is suitable for websites with few images as well as for the most demanding photographers, visual artists and image professionals.

This plugin even offers a complete WordPress gallery management system with the ability to batch upload photos, import metadata, add/delete/rearrange/sort photos, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums and much more.

5. Admin Collumns

As your site grows, it becomes more and more work to manage. Admin Collumns helps you manage your content in a practical and simple way.

Through it, you can create easy dashboards to easily find, sort, filter and update your content, without having to open each publication.

6. Juice

Sumo's promise is to help your business grow by turning your website visitors into customers through email collection and data analysis.

So, if you have difficulty collecting emails because the tools are not resourceful or too expensive, then Sumo can be a good WordPress plugin option.

7. Optin Monster [Paid]

Optin Monster is one of the best WordPress plugins with lead generation functionality (collect data from your website visitors for your base).

It is a must for small business owners, bloggers and any website. That's because this plugin comes with a number of valuable features to grow your online business.

Through OptinMonster, you can create popups, create optin forms, create campaigns by geolocation. The best thing is that it's all very simple, through the "drag and drop" system. This is a paid Plugin, with plans starting at $19, billed annually.

8.Code Snippets

This plugin is ideal for those who do not have advanced knowledge of PHP and want to install code snippets on their WordPress site without having to mess with the functions.php file. 

With Code Snippets you can add new code snippets easily – This plugin works right out of the box and you won't lose your snippets if you change WordPress themes. And once added, they will have custom titles and descriptions.

Also, if you want to move your site to another server, you can still use the built-in import tool and transfer all your snippets along with your site.

9. Enable Media Replace

Ever wanted to replace an image in your Media Library without having to delete the old image, rename the new file and upload it to your website? 

This is a simple feature, but it saves you a huge amount of time. That's exactly what Enable Media Replace does for you.

This is a lightweight and easy-to-use plugin, ideal if you need to edit images frequently.

10. Wp Call Button

WP Call Button is one of the best free WordPress plugins as it allows you to add a Click to Call button for Whatsapp to your website. 

It's a great way to get more leads and close deals quickly. Some people still prefer to talk to someone over the phone, so it's great to give them that option.

Also, WP Call Button is customizable and responsive, looks great on any device or screen size.

11. Disable Comments

Comments are a common form of spam. Because of this, some website owners may waste time disabling comments on each product page, for example.

With Disable Comments, you can disable site-wide comments, remove all comment fields, and get rid of comment-related items in your WordPress dashboard, in widgets, and in the admin menu and admin bar.

12. Autooptimize

Autoptimize works great with your caching solution to speed  your site. 

Using it can help increase speed considerably, which in turn helps with SEO, driving traffic to your website and increasing conversions and sales.

That way, with Autoptimize, you optimize your website's HTML, CSS and JavaScript code and remove any unnecessary characters in your code.

13. Imsanity

Imsanity is another free WordPress plugin that will help you manage your WordPress website or blog. That's because, Imsanity automatically adjusts the size of images for an article automatically. This makes your site more visually beautiful and saves you the trouble of tweaking each image 

14. Mailchimp for WordPress

Mailchimp for WordPress is another plugin that will help you in your mission to generate leads for your business.Simple to use and install, this plugin creates customizable registration forms that you can display anywhere on your website.

In addition, Mailchimp for WordPress is compatible with several other plugins, such as WooCommerce and Form 7, for example.Count on Hostbits to optimize your website performance!

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