Adobe Photoshop best tricks

Adobe Photoshop

CTRL+O = Open file
CTRL+N = New file
CTRL+W = shut file (watch out for not combination with CTRL+Q!!)
CTRL+S = Save file
CTRL+SHIFT+S = Save file As
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = nonetheless net 
CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop
CTRL+A = choose all
CTRL+D = Deselect
CTRL+E = Merge Down (more regarding layers presently..)
CTRL+R = Rulers visible (the stuff you drag tips out from..)
CTRL+T = remodel choice (Scale and rotate..)
CTRL+U = modification image Hue, Saturation and Lightness 
CTRL+I = Inverse
CTRL+F = Repeat last used filter
CTRL+K = Preferences
CTRL+L = Levels
CTRL+Z = Undo (something you simply can´t live while not. Fact.)
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+B = Color balance
CTRL+M = Curves
CTRL+Space = centre
CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out
D = Set colours to Default
CTRL+SHIFT+E = Flatten image
CTRL+SHIFT+T = remodel once more
ctrl+n = new
ctrl+o = open
ctrl+ w= shut
ctrl+ s = save
ctrl+ z = undo
ctrl+c = copy
ctrl+x = cut
ctrl+ v = paste
ctrl+ f = paste before
ctrl + b = paste in back
ctrl+ a = choose all
ctrl+ d = remodel once more
ctrl+ ] = bring forward
ctrl+ [ = send backward
ctrl+ g = cluster
ctrl+ a pair of = lock
ctrl+ three = hide choice
ctrl+ j = be a part of
ctrl+ seven = build
ctrl+ t = character
ctrl+ m = paragraph
ctrl+ e = apply last fillter
ctrl+ y = define
ctrl+ h = hide edge
ctrl+ zero = slot in window
ctrl+ one = actual size
ctrl+ r = show rulers
ctrl+ u = good guides
ctrl+ " = show gride
ctrl+ - = zoom out
ctrl+ + = centre
ctrl+ k = general
ctrl+ shift + s = save as
ctrl+ shift + p = print setup
ctrl+shift + z = redo
ctrl+shift + a = deselect
ctrl+shift + m = move
ctrl+shift + g = ungroup
ctrl+shift + t = tab rulers
ctrl+shift + o = creat define
ctrl+shift + e = applay last impact
ctrl+shift + w = hide guide
ctrl+shift + b = hide bunding box
ctrl+shift + " = snap to gride
ctrl+alt + s = save as copy
ctrl+alt + p = document setup
ctrl+alt + a pair of = unlock all
ctrl+alt + three = show all
ctrl+alt + j = average
ctrl+alt + b = build
ctrl+alt + seven = relaese
ctrl+alt + eight = unleash
ctrl+alt + e = last fillter
ctrl+alt + " = sanp to purpose
shift f1 = facilitate
shift f7= show align
shift f6= apperance
shift f9 = expert
shift f5 = show vogue
shift f10 = trancparency
shift f8 = remodel
f5 = show brush
f6 = show color
f7 = hide layers
f8 = show information
f9 = show gradiant
f10 = show stroke
f11 = show attributes
CTRL+O = Open file
CTRL+N = New file
CTRL+W = shut file (watch out for not combination with CTRL+Q!CTRL+S = Save document
CTRL+SHIFT+S = Save document As
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = Save for web
CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop
CTRL+A = Select all
CTRL+D = Deselect
CTRL+E = Merge Down (more about layers later on..)
CTRL+R = Rulers apparent (the things you drag rules out from..)
CTRL+T = Transform choice (Scale and turn..)
CTRL+U = Change picture Hue, Saturation and Lightness
CTRL+I = Inverse
CTRL+F = Repeat last utilized channel
CTRL+K = Preferences
CTRL+L = Levels
CTRL+Z = Undo (something you just can't survive without. Reality.)
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+B = Color balance
CTRL+M = Curves
CTRL+Space = Zoom In
CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out
D = Set Colors to Default
CorelDRAW console alternate route keys:
B Align base
P Align focus page
E Align flat focus
R Align right
T Align top
C Align vertical focus
Alt+F12 Align to benchmark
Archive Display
F9 Full-screen see
Ctrl+W Refresh window
Shift+F9 Toggle show
Ctrl+Shift+C Show nonprinting characters
Ctrl+F9 Contour
Ctrl+F7 Envelope
Ctrl+F5 Graphic and text style
Alt+F3 Lens
Alt+F2 Linear aspects
Alt+Enter Object properties
Alt+F7 Position
Alt+F8 Rotate
Alt+F9 Scale and mirror
Alt+F10 Size
Alt+F11 Insert image and extraordinary characters
Alt+F12 View chief
Alt+F6 Symbols chief
Disperse Command
Shift+B Distribute base
Shift+E Distribute focuses evenly
Shift+C Distribute focuses upward
Shift+L Distribute left
Shift+R Distribute right
Shift+P Distribute dividing on a level plane
Shift+A Distribute dividing upward
Shift+T Distribute top
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Delete CUt
Erase Delete
Ctrl+D Duplicate
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+R Repeat
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Backspace Undo
Ctrl+E Export
Ctrl+I Import
Ctrl+N New report
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save as
Ctrl+F4 Exit
Text style Formatting
Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+Shift+F Font list
Ctrl+Shift+W FOnt weight
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+Shift+K Small covers
Ctrl+U Underline
Ctrl+Numpad 2 Decrease text dimension
Ctrl+Shift+P Font size
Ctrl+Shift+H HTML text dimension
Ctrl+Numpad 8 Increase text dimension
Ctrl+Numpad 6 Next text style combo size
Ctrl+Numpad 4 Previous textual style combo size
Shift+F3 Change case
Ctrl+F8 Convert text
F11 Open wellspring fill discourse
Shift+F11 Uniform fill discourse
Ctrl+Shift+B Color balance
Ctrl+B Brightness/power
Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/immersion
Object Nudge Commands
Down bolt Nudge Down
Left bolt Nudge left
RIght bolt Nudge right
Up bolt Nudge up
Shift+Down bolt Super Nudge down
Shift+Left bolt Super bump left
Shift+Up bolt Super bump up
Shift+Right bolt Super bump right
Shift+Down bolt Micro bump down
Shift+Left bolt Super bump left
Shift+RIght bolt Super push right
Shift+Up bolt Super push up
Object Ordering
Ctrl+Page down Back one
Ctrl+Page up Forward one
Shift+Page up To back
Shift +page down To front
Frame Pen
Shift+F12 Open blueprint variety exchange
F12 Open blueprint pen discourse
Page Down Next page
Page Up Previous page
Text Formatting
Ctrl+M Bullet text
Ctrl+E Center legitimize
Ctrl+F8 Convert text state
Ctrl+Shift+D Apply drop cap
Ctrl+Shift+T Edit text
Ctrl+H Force avocation
Ctrl+T Format text
Ctrl+J Full legitimize
Ctrl+, Horizontal text
Ctrl+L Left support
Ctrl+N No support
Ctrl+R Right support
Ctrl+Period Vertical text
Zoom and Pan

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