International Mother's Day Importance of mothers Day


 International Mother's Day 

Mother's Day is being celebrated  in different countries of the world including Pakistan.  People are paying homage to this relationship of mother with sincerity, compassion, love and patience.

The purpose of celebrating this day is to highlight the greatness and importance of the most sacred relationship of mother and to promote feelings of respect and love for mother.

Like every year on social media, people seem to be divided into two groups, one who considers this day important for the greatness of the mother, while the other group says that it is not a day but a year to express love for the mother.  Should be allocated every day.

People from all walks of life around the world are using social media to salute the selfless love and greatness of the mother.

Mother is a person who is dear to all of us.  So sweet that we think of our earth as a mother.  They also use the mother's name to convince each other of the promises they have made.

The value of this great relationship is greater to those whose mother has died.

On social media, these people are seen recounting any memories of their mother, any sweet talk and beautiful stories of the past.

Consumers are also publishing poems and songs written on the greatness of the mother, from appreciating each other's relationship.

On the occasion of International Mother's Day, people not only bought gifts for their mother on this day but also used to rush to famous restaurants where children used to humiliate their mother by feeding her delicious food.

The importance of motherhood can be gauged not only by calling one's language 'Mother Tongue' but also by people living on a planet like Earth calling it Mother Tongue.

History of International Mother's Day 

Most countries, including Pakistan, celebrate International Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May, but there are also many countries that celebrate this day in January, March, November or October.

Ninety-five years ago, US President Woodrow Wilson announced that the second Sunday in May would be celebrated every year as Mother's Day. 

In ancient Greece, the day of remembrance of Sai Belle, the birthplace of many gods, was the day when children gave gifts to their mothers.

The Romans tried to please their mothers by setting aside a day in memory of the goddess Juno.

However, the credit for celebrating it formally for the first time in India a century ago goes to a woman named Anna Jarvis who belonged to the United States.

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