SEO tips for beginners in 2023

Best SEO Tips in English How to do SEO Principles

SEO tips for beginners

Best SEO Tips in English
How to do SEO Principles
How can an SEO?
Some SEO Tips

Seo tips

I can call myself an SEO expert so anyone can say that but if someone says that I know all the principles of search engine optimization SEO then it would be wrong. It will not be based on belief.

You can learn from experience and practice how to do SEO. And that doesn't mean you have to know all about SEO. Whether it's Google or any other search engine, they never explain all the rules of SEO.

Google experts tell us the basics of search engine optimization SEO, by following which we can put our blog or website in a good position. Some experts in SEO marketing companies have deeply understood SEO through their efforts and experiences and have succeeded in moving beyond the basics, but they themselves acknowledge that the correct search engine algorithms do not help anyone. do not know. They all say that SEO is not a magic bullet. Whoever digests.

We can do our best to improve by following the basic SEO techniques and ideas. Don't get bogged down in trying to figure out every little bit of SEO. We just have to learn how to do SEO.

By the way, Google's 3 biggest ranking factors are content, backlinks and rank brain.

Content, Backlinks, and Rank Brain.

Trending content

But in order to understand these three, we need to know the other factors as well.

By reading these 10 tips, you will get an idea of ​​how to do SEO.

Try to create good content.

Create Best Content?

Seo tips for beginners

Try to always try to create good content and good content. The Internet itself has begun to bring content to the masses.You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Think about how many blogs you visit often, which you also bookmark, which site or blog address you remember, why do you often only visit specific blogs? Do you like the unique words of this blog? Do you go there because of his position? The answer is no, you go there because you find its content unique and good. You go there because you find it nice to learn. You remember the address of this blog because you Are affected by the quality of the content. This is the secret of SEO. See what your competitors have written about what you are going to write, but never copy the sentence or paragraph. Take note of the key points of your competitors and all of these points when writing a postExplain in your natural way.

It is not wrong to steal someone else's ideas in blogging but the way to implement it should be different and yours, ie you explain their ideas, combine them with your ideas and present them in your own unique way in your blog Then your blog will be  bookmarked and people will like it.  People will ask you how to do SEO.  Good content is the basic principle of SEO.

Remember, no matter how many good backlinks you create, if the content is useless, your post will not be ranked.

Design the blog correctly.

Blog Designing

It is very important to design the blog well.  Don't install gadgets in the blog unnecessarily.  Unnecessarily remove or remove gadgets as more (gadgets) increase site loading, which (viewers) have problems and they like to go back.

Mention the headline and subtitle along with the keywords in the post.  Use for example (h2, h3 etc.).  If you want to show a particular paragraph, quotation, or other source in a post, use blockchain.

block quote

Blockchain values ​​your content because you are presenting your post to people in a certain way and this can give your post a good ranking.  To add it, select the paragraph and click the (excerpt) quote icon in the toolbar above.

Blog site designs

Seo tips for beginners

Mention at least one image in each post.  And don't overuse advertising.

Redirect the blog address correctly.

Redirect Blog Address:

Seo tips for beginners

At the start of the blog, select whether you want to use (WWW).

Then redirect both the WWW and non (WWW) versions to the same address.  If you're using WordPress, WordPress will do just that.

You choose the address of your post.

Mention Post Address:

The date appears in the last part of the address of each post, it is not accurate in terms of appearance and SEO.  Some of the greatest masters have done research on this, which is absolutely true.

So name the slug of your post ie crawling or in other words (crawling) the post.

Make some good backlinks

Create Best organic Backlinks:

First of all, what is a backlink?

Whenever a link from another website to your website is created, it is considered a backlink.

There are two types of backlinks.

Types of Backlinks:

1: Do follow
2: No follow

Do Follow

Following backlinks helps raise your site's ranking to Google.

Follow (No Follow)

Non-follow-up links don't cost much.  I know you'll be a little upset after hearing backlinks.  However, we (Search Engine Optimization) cannot deny the importance of backlinks in SEO, but remember that Google has said that the game of backlinks has changed.

Now is not the time for people to buy useless content, create a few thousand backlinks and rank.  Companies that sell online links have the biggest hand in making backlinks so important, because they have an advantage.  These people have spread the rumor of backlinks so much that bloggers are beginning to understand that if we don't create a lot of backlinks, our blog will never be able to get ahead in (SERP) and search and they will create their own blog  .  They spend money to buy links.  Which puts them at a great disadvantage.

ReCreate backlinks

If a web page has a link to your page, the content on both pages must be the same.  No one thinks like that when buying links.  The link building method (organic) should be natural.  This is not natural if you create many links in one day.  It is not natural when you buy links.

You must not have a link to a web page that does not comply with Google's Terms and Conditions.

Here are a few things to consider before adding comments to forums.  There are many forums where users upload useless content, which Google dislikes.  If you add a link to such forums, Google will show that you value such content and your blog will never get a good ranking.  Google recognizes links in forums and comments that you have added yourself.  If someone links to your page for reference while writing their post, it is most valuable.

If you share contact information with someone else, Google recognizes the activity and the result is negative.  We recommend that you do not overemphasize backlinks.  Never try a bad activity wrong so that the value of your blog goes to zero instead of increasing.  Try to write good quality content, if you succeed you will get natural links automatically.  1 The value of a natural link is greater than the value of 10,000 unnatural links.  Use options like social bookmarks, profile links, blog comments and directory submissions.

Google pays a lot of attention to social media these days.  So keep posting on social networking sites. 

 External linking from trusted websites

External link:

Just as we add an internal link to other posts on our blog, so it is important to include an external link in the post, that is, a link to another website.

The information you provide on the page you are linking to should be relevant to your post, and the credibility of the site should be high. If you have no idea about the authority and popularity of the linked website, you should use a follow tag in the link. From an on-page optimization point of view, external linking to a post can make your post content informative and reliable in the eyes of search engines.

External link must be external at least once in a post.

Internal links:

Internal linking means that you put a link to another blog post in one of your blog posts.

The domain authority you get from this is distributed across all pages.

You can do up to 3-4 internal linking in a single post.

But: Your link should only be on relevant or similar content.

Alt tags

Whenever you upload an image, be sure to include an alt tag in it.

It is also a ranking factor and helps search engines understand images.

You can steal captions or descriptions, but always write (alt). Alt tags should be your keyword.


Meta tags and descriptions do not appear on your website.

But when someone searches your post on Google, they see your meta in SERP.

This highlights them and makes users click more.

As the title of this post - How to do SEO.

So I wrote this keyword in both the meta title and the meta description.

Now when someone writes on Google how to do SEO. So he will see this keyword in bold font in SERP.

Social Signal:  

Social signals are the number of times your site has been shared on a social site. Social sharing is just a kind of backlink.


Seo tips for beginners

Social platforms

So connect your website to all social networks, whenever you write a post, be sure to share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.


SEO tips for beginners

Website loading speed is also a factor in ranking.

Get good hosting, improve images, use the CDN network.

And keep checking your website speed in GT Matrix.

The lower the speed of the website, the better.


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