The secrets of Successful trading

Secrets of Successful Trading


Who is not familiar with Bitcoin, the uncrowned king and chief currency of cryptocurrency? So all other currencies will be cheaper. Bitcoin 24 hour movement: I will tell you in terms of Pakistani time.

I have been observing for four years and have looked very carefully and my experience is one hundred percent correct.

You should also try it. Bitcoin is profiting you four times in 24 hours. If you buy any authentic currency by 12.30 in the day which has dropped at least 15 percent , then sell it by 3.45 in the day anyway.

You will get profit. And again in the evening at 7.30. If you buy any authentic currency and sell it till 9.30 pm on the same day, you will get a good profit. If you do, you will get profit.

Every day at 5.00 am a new coil comes out. Therefore, at least 30 percent of the order should be placed downwards and if the bolus coil comes out, it is green in color which goes up considerably.

Increase the price by 30 percent and place a sell order.Remember that in the world of cryptocurrency, nothing is final. But this is the general movement that Bitcoin usually does. Weekly Bitcoin Movement:

Bitcoin drops its price dramatically at least once or thrice a week and this is the time to buy any authentic currency. This time usually starts on Friday. Yes, it starts falling at 9.00 pm on Friday night and sometimes it falls at 1.00 pm. Then it has to fall well till 12.00 pm every Saturday day ie your currency which you have bought is forty fifty and sometimes One hundred percent can fall. And it will rise a little. 


If the currencyx does not fall on Friday or Saturday, it will suddenly fall sharply by 7.30 on Sunday night. We suggest based on our experience that only buy currency on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and do not sell. If you buy all of them now, buy less even now, but buy with the money that is wasted because after a lot of currency falls, it can disappear completely and your soda dollars can be zero in a few minutes because this is the world of corrupt currency or road. Can sit on pay or crores. 

Are for sale.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday may be the first part of Jamar At and Friday. On any of these days, the currency suddenly goes very high. Usually it goes on Wednesday. A little higher on Tuesday and a lot higher on Wednesday and a little lower on Thursday and a little higher on Friday. 

If you do not want to take the risk, we suggest that you Buy any authentic currency that has fallen by 40 percent every Sunday night till 7.30 pm and sell it every Wednesday night till 9.30 pm. You will get a good profit. Monthly trade: If you have to trade monthly, remember. Currency falls a lot at the end of May. And it falls the most in June. We make pay graphs here. Month ... Name Currency ... 


January - Bitcoin - 40000usdt 

February  41000 USD   

March's budget is $39000; 

April's is $50,000 to $65,000. 

May 35,000 U.S. dollars 

June 20000 USD to 30000 USD  

August: 32000 USD  per month.

September: 40000usdt 

October : 50000 USD  

November: 70000 suds + 

December: 30000usdt Annual Trading

We recommend that you purchase any authentic currency such as Ethereum BCH or Bitcoin by June 25 of each year and sell it at the end of November. If I sell it, you will get extraordinary benefits. 

That is, you can earn a good profit twice a year at very low and very high prices. We also suggest that if you are trading for one minute or two minutes or three minutes or one hour or two hours or four hours or six hours or twelve hours then the rule of sale bye will be that you have a very small amount. 

Apply the ageing price and place the order of the seal at a high price and sell the seal at the same time with a small amount according to the coil.

 If it goes down, buy something and if it goes down, buy a little more. In the same way, if it goes up, sell something and if it goes down, sell a little more. This is called trading. 

If you do this without knowledge and experience, or you will suddenly become very rich or you will be drowned completely.


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