blogging mistakes for beginners

Top 5 Blogging Mistakes As A New Blogger

blogging mistakes for beginners

Blogging Mistakes to Avoid as a New Blogger

Most people think that blogging is easy… pick a niche, write some articles, put some ads, and then just sit back and wait for the money to come.  Well, they'll soon learn there's more to it.  But hopefully they hang in there and learn from their mistakes.

Still you don't know how to start AB log.  Here is a step-by-step video guide to help you out.

We've all made mistakes along the way, but I've seen many new bloggers make the same mistakes over and over again.  These mistakes may seem obvious to a more experienced blogger, but here are some things new bloggers should avoid.

Don't be ordinary

I know that the easiest design to use is the generic theme that comes with your blogging platform.  It might look fine, and it might work, but you don't want to use it because most splogs (spam blogs) use it.  Trust me, the last thing you want is for people to decide your blog is a splog before they even give your content a chance.

Be easy on the eyes

As you customize your blog, please remember that one of the most important aspects of a blog is its readability.  Consider your readers before you get creative with font colors, styles, and sizes.  You think it looks good but do you really think your visitors will read a blog with bright yellow text on a black background?

Don't neglect your readers.

One of the most important aspects of blogging is communication.  Many bloggers just present the facts and don't try to engage their readers in the conversation.  You should write posts that have a call to action… ask your readers to get involved.  And once they join, always respond to their comments and questions.

Keep it simple

You should always stick to the KISS theory… keep it simple.  I know all those nice graphics and widgets are attractive but each one adds to the load time of your blog.  You don't need a graphic intensive blog or 20 different RSS feeds, just make sure your blog loads fast and is easy to read and your visitors love you for it.  will

Make it easy on the ads

Some bloggers recommend that you wait until you get 1000 visitors a day before you start monetizing your blog.  Although I don't agree with this theory, I think putting 20 ads on a brand new blog with 1 article and no traffic is a bad idea.  Write some articles first, get some traffic and then you can experiment with different monetization strategies.

These are some common mistakes I notice on new blogs.  What would you add to the list?

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