Virtue of Dhul-Hijjah

Virtue of Ushra Dhul-Hijjah

Virtue of Dhul-Hijjah

Allah has created man for His worship.  Therefore, every human being should spend every moment of his life according to his pleasure and try to get closer to him.  May Allah bless us with some beautiful occasions in which the reward of worshiping Him increases much more than normal days.  One of these auspicious occasions is the tenth day of Zul Hijjah.  A.  In these days, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) testified to their excellence and urged them to do good deeds.  
Allah Ta'ala has also sworn by the same days in the Holy Qur'an. 

Wal-Fajr, Waleal-Ushr [21]
is the oath of Fajr and ten nights. According to the commentators, these ten nights mean the first ten nights of Dhul-Hijjah, and swearing on these days is the biggest proof of their virtue.  These days are better than all the days of the year. 

The thirty days of righteous deeds (tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah) are the most beloved to Allah. The Companions asked: O Messenger of Allah, is jihad in the way of Allah not so beloved?

He said: Allah.  There is no place in the way of. Yes! Those mujahids who went out with their lives and property and did not return with anything... Take their life and property too.  It is also that which is the original day of Naj, it is the great day, in which Allah, the Exalted and Exalted, bestows freedom from Hell to His servants.  Many important worships are gathered in ten days which are not gathered in the rest of the days.

Mustahab actions of the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

Performing Hajj and Umrah Rituals:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has said:
ولمرة إلى عمرة كفارة لما بنهما والحجج المبرور له لحجز إلا جنة. 

There is no reward except Paradise.

2. Fasting: The death of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that whoever fasts one day in the way of Allah, Allah will remove his face from Hell for a distance of seventy years.  Bukhari, Muslim]

3.This is the general virtue of fasting as far as the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah is concerned.  Fasting on the Day of Arafah has a special importance because the sins of the previous year and the next year are forgiven by fasting on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah.  Also Nawafil should be arranged frequently because My servant keeps gaining closeness to Me through Nawafil until I fall in love with him and when I love him, I  
I become his ear through which he hears. become his eye through which he sees. 
I become his hand through which he falls.  
I become his foot through which he walks. 
He asks me, I will definitely give it.  If he asks for shelter, I will surely give him shelter.  "Reh Bukhari: 2502]

4. Divine Remembrance: In these days, it is ordered to recite Divine Remembrance frequently.  This lesser virtue of Divine Remembrance is that when a person remembers Allah, Allah Tabarak and Taali remembers him. 

Fazkaruni Az Karkam [Surat al-Baqarah] a) Abu Malik Ash'ari says that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Al-Tahur Shatar al-Iman and praise be to God fills the balance and SubhanAllah and praise be to God fills the space between the heavens and the earth." Purity is half faith. 

Al-Hamdulillah " fills with rewards and rewards, and these two words, "Subhan Allah" and " Al-Allah, fill the space between the earth and the sky (with rewards and rewards). Bij Muslim: 223) b)

Hazrat Abu  Hurairah narrates from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. If I say Subhan Allah, and praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest, then the words are more important to me than the things on which the sun rises. Planting trees in paradise Hazrat Abdullah bin Masoud says that he said: I met Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) on the night of Ascension, and he said: O Muhammad (peace be upon him), lead your Ummah to me.  To greet them. To inform them that the soil of Paradise is very good. Its water is very sweet.

It is completely smooth and trees can be planted in it through Subhan Allah and Hamd Allah and Illa illa Allah and Allah is the Greatest.  

Jami al-Trundi 3/393] Dah) With these words, sins are erased even if they are equal to the foam of the sea.With these words, sins die like dry leaves from a tree.  [The gatherings of al-Trandi yi tasbihat are being adapted to save from hell.  Allah has chosen these four words.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar Hazrat Abu Harmi used to recite Takbeer while visiting the market during these ten days.  Then other people also recited Takbeer after hearing his Takbeer.  Asih al-Bukhari) Apart from these takbeeras, sit takbeeras should be recited from the Fajr prayer of Rizal Hijjah to Asr of 13 Dhu al-Hijjah (after the duties) in order to be compatible with the pilgrims.  Allah is great, God is great, there is no god but God, God is great, God is great, praise be to God

5.Giving charity: During these days charity should be given as much as possible because charity cools the anger of Allah and removes the troubles.  Increases a person's wealth.  It is from the basics of religion.  I give charity with the belief that charity does not reduce wealth but increases it.  

The charity that should be specially arranged in these days is sacrifice.  Through sacrifice, we revive Sunnah Ibrahimi.  They follow the Sunnah of the Prophet.  You are the decree of India.  "A person who does not offer sacrifice despite being able to, should not come to our Eid-gah, Mustadrak Hakim) Similarly, 

the Prophet ﷺ said in Arafat: "O people, one sacrifice is required for every family member every year." [Sunan Abu Dawud:  2788] 

6.Performing the Eid prayer: On the last day of this decade, Eid al-Alani is celebrated. It was the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to go to the Eidgah while reciting the Takbeer without eating anything.  Eating. 

The Prophet ﷺ had given a strict order to take women to the Eid Gah. Hazrat Umm Atiya says that the Prophet ﷺ had also ordered women who are menstruating to drink at home, they should separate from the place of prayer.  Sit down and share in the blessings and supplications of this day.


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