how many years will you live

How many years will you live!

An interesting study

There is no doubt that life and death are in the hands of Allah and when life will end no one knows except Him, but He has given insight to the people of knowledge, so doctors often treat patients with dangerous diseases.  They estimate the average age correctly and know shortly before death that the hours of life are about to end.

how many years will you live

This article includes the estimates of life expectancy by medical experts based on health, genetics, and lifestyle, and you can also use these estimates to find out how long you will live according to experts.  And this will also give you an idea of ​​how you can increase your age.

No 1:- How old are you? 

The good news is that with the progress in medical science, man has been able to fight many chronic diseases for a long time, especially heart surgery, brain surgery and other transplants etc.  But another good news for women is that they usually live longer than men and they usually live 5 years longer.  Continue reading the article to estimate the average age.

No 2:- How much do you weigh

If the average age of a human being is considered to be 75 years for men and 80 years for women, then according to experts, your weight gain and obesity will reduce your life by 1 to 2 years and similarly your weight will be less than the normal weight.  It can also reduce lifespan by 1 year.

No. 3:- Family History

parents or grandparents etc. in your family has lived for more than 70 years and has not had any heart disease for 55 years, this can add up to 2 years to your life expectancy and  If someone is affected by heart disease before 55 years, taking into account genetics, experts say that it reduces the life expectancy by 1 to 2 years and if 2 or more people in the family are over 55 years old.  Having a heart attack can reduce your life expectancy by 2 to 3 years, which means that if you had an average life expectancy of 75 years, it will drop to 72 to 73 years.

No. 4:- Blood Pressure:

Maintaining normal blood pressure can prolong life and if you are currently 40 or older and your blood pressure remains normal, it can add 4 to 5 years to your average life expectancy.  But if your blood pressure is high, then according to experts, it can reduce your life by up to 5 years.  May live longer than average.

No 5:- Mental Stress

There is an Arabic saying that sorrow sinks a person and it is true that stress does not make your life enjoyable and it shortens your life and experts say that people suffering from mental stress disease  Life expectancy is reduced by 2 years or more

No. 6:- Exercise

Exercise keeps the body fit and if you exercise daily it can add 5 years or more to your life and if you walk for 30 minutes 4 days a week this habit is yours.  It can add 2 years to your life, but if you don't exercise, it's not a big deal to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years on average.

No. 7:- Food

If you eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day in your diet, this habit will add up to 10 years to your average life expectancy, and if you eat a little more fruits and vegetables 3 to 4 days a week  This habit can add 3 to 5 years to your life but if you are fond of eating fast foods and processed food and consume very little fruits and vegetables, it can reduce your life by 3 to 5 years.

No. 8:- Car seat built

Installing a car seat belt is one of the precautionary measures to avoid accidents and shows how careful you are.  It almost adds to your age and not being careful can reduce your life by 3 to 5 years because the habit of not being careful after getting old can make you prone to an accident sooner.Similarly, have you had any car or motorcycle accident in the last three years. If not, it shows that you drive very carefully.

No 9:- Alcohol and drugs

If you are addicted to drinking alcohol, it will decrease your age and this decrease is determined by how much alcohol you consume and in case of heavy consumption it will decrease by 10 and sometimes more than 10 years.  Similarly, if you use any addictive substance and use it to improve your work capacity, it will reduce your life by 10 years.

No. 10;- Smoking

Experts say it shortens life rapidly and how much it does depends on how much you smoke.  And if you drink more than 40 years then 10 years and if you quit 2 years earlier it will add more than 3 years to your average life and if you don't drink it will increase your life expectancy.  It's a good habit.

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