how to write a unique blog post 2022

how to write a unique blog post? 

how to write a unique blog post 2022

Hello Friends, Today we will know that Unique Blog Post How to write in English in 2022?. Or how to write Unique Content?If you want to get approval of Google AdSense in one go or if you want to bring full traffic to your blog, then you should write Unique Blog Post.Because Google likes and promotes Unique Content very much.

What is Unique Blog Post?

Unique Blog Post means writing a blog article on a new topic, completely different from other such information which may or may not be there in the Internet.

Picking someone's topic and writing it in your own words is not called unique content. If the content which is already present in Google is written on that topic, then in the eyes of Google, you are not giving the user anything new or great experience.They can also read this by going to those websites.

This does not mean that you cannot write on a topic on which others have already written, but do it later to beat your competition.Before that you have to write a post on Unique TopicTake Unique Keyword, make it an attractive title and write a post on it, if you write a blog post on such a topic, then it will be Unique Content.

Unique Topic or Content Taken from said.

Now you will say that from where do we get such unique content, because today there is everything in the Internet, whatever we want to write, then all that is already present in the Internet.In such a situation,

how to write a Unique Blog Post?

So today we will know that :-

Topic for writing unique blog post?

If you are a new blogger and you want to get approval of Google AdSense for your blog, then you have to write 10-12 unique articles.

For this you can use two social media platforms.

Google Question Hub
There you will find such long tail keywords according to your Niche , on which the post has not been published yet.

Come know what to do:-

How to write a unique blog post?
How to write first post in your blog?
Or read below how to write a post in a new blog.As we all know that for the approval of Google AdSense, you should publish 10-12 Unique Articles. By which you will get quick approval, then let us know how to write a blog to get Google AdSense Approval?

How to Choose best topics.

To write a blog post, you will need a topic, a topic on which there is very little article or none at all.
For this, you can take the topic from Google Question Hub , here you get the question whose answer is not yet published in the Internet.You have to create your account in Google Question hub and according to your Niche you have to add question there. By making those questions a topic, you can make a complete article and publish it.Second you use Quora , here you join the community and forum related to your Niche, here you will get a lot of Content Idea and Topic

Use Long Tail Keyword

After choosing the topic, you change it to Long tail Keyword, although in these two platforms you will get only one Long tail Keyword.Long Tail Keywords will increase the ranking of your blog post as well as you will also get organic traffic.

Attractive Title

After choosing Focus Long Tail Keyword, you have to convert that keyword from an attractive to title.Due to which when you see the impression of your blog post in Google, then people click more on it due to its attractive and catchy title.

Also, by giving a different title tag, your posts also look unique, all the big websites will be, have you paid attention to how they keep the title of their post.

Meta Descriptions

As Title Tag increases the click ratio in your blog, similarly Meta Description increases the click ratio and first impression of your blog post.Write the Meta Description of your blog post well, so that you can understand the full form of your blog, what you are going to tell in your blog or what is the benefit to the user by reading your blog.

Proper Article 

After this, you write a very good article on your blog topic and always try to publish the complete knowledge of the topic on which you are writing in your article.Doing this enhances your user experience. Due to which your blog also gets positive ranking in the eyes of Google

While writing a good blog post, keep these things in mind:-Give Proper Heading Tag, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.Use LSI Keyword along with Focus Keywords for Blog Post, Use images in blog, If there is any video related to your blog, then use that too.Write the first paragraph in such a way that the user can read your post completely.

Final Words

Today we learned that how to write a Unique Blog Post If you write a blog in this way, then your chances of getting approval are more.I am not saying at all that you will not get approval in the article written in your own words, but with the method I told you above, you will get the approval of Adsense in one go.


How to remove plagiarism from the WordPress Posts?

In WordPress Blog, you write a post unique and in your own words, then you will never get plagiarism, even if you see plagiarism in any post, then you can check with the help of plagiarism checker tool and change those paragraphs and sentences and make it unique.

There is no such option in WordPress but if you want to convert English post written in WordPress to udru then you can use English to Urdu converter. Keep in mind that your post should be unique, do not publish someone's copy paste post in the article.

How many words should a blog be?

First of all, write the same thing in the blog and write only in as many words as can be given about that topic, do not write anything just to increase the words limits. Yes! To increase the word limits, you can write about them by joining related sub topics related to that topic,  a post of at least 1000 to 2000 words is also fine. 

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