Apply & Study in Peru 2022

How to apply to a foreign university from Peru?

If you plan to apply to a study abroad program, you will need more than English skills and a good academic record. In fact, the procedures are usually quite complex, long and vary a lot depending on the study center of your choice. But don't worry, here we will detail the basic requirements for your application and some recommendations from our experts.

Apply & Study in Peru 2022

Requirements to apply to a foreign university from Peru

It is important to have all the basic documentation at hand before starting the application process. Although not all universities ask for the same requirements, in general they all agree in requesting the following:

Academic record : At the time of applying, we will request your academic record from the last 3 years of school. If you have higher education, the qualifications of these will also be necessary. Remember that this documentation must be officially translated to be accepted by the university.

Essay : The vast majority of higher education centers ask students to submit an essay in order to demonstrate not only the qualities they possess, but also the contribution they will make to the university during their study period. The essay is what makes your application unique and is the perfect opportunity to explain why you decided to apply to that university and career.

Proof of language : It will depend on where the university is located. If it is an institution in the United States or England, it will be required to demonstrate aptitude at an advanced level in the English language. In Germany, German will be requested; in France, French, etc. This is usually demonstrated by recognized international exams such as TOEFL , IELTS , among others.

Student visa : Countries like the United States or the United Kingdom require a visa. As with applying for a work or tourist visa, you must make an appointment, go through a personal interview and wait for approval. This happens once you have been accepted to the university and GSG will guide you through the application process.

Medical insurance : The vast majority of foreign educational institutions require annual medical insurance, the cost of which varies between US$2,000 and US$4,000 per year, according to Ernesto Ortega, senior admissions advisor at GSG Education.


If you want your application to be successful and pass all the corresponding filters without any unforeseen events, here are the following suggestions:

Choosing a good university : That an educational institution is from a different foreign country such as the USA or UK, does not mean that it is one of the best in the field. It is recommended to look for study centers with a good position in the world rankings and, not least, that fit your estimated budget. Finally, remember that this is a life decision, and choosing the right place is key for your performance to be the best it can be.

Planning : The application processes do not take one or two weeks, but can extend for several months, so it is suggested to start having the necessary documentation half a year in advance. In many cases, the acceptance or rejection responses to an application are granted in the summer, while the cycles begin in September –in the case of American or European universities-.

Assess costs : Applying to a higher institution abroad is not cheap. The annual educational cost can range between US$20,000 and US$60,000, to which must be added the payment of student health insurance and the cost of living, which can be around US$10,000 and US$20,000 per year.

Previous preparation : Obtaining a certificate that certifies an advanced level of English or any other language takes time, so it is recommended to obtain it before completing school studies. Similarly, be prepared for any college entrance exam, especially in the areas of verbal or mathematical reasoning, such as the SAT or ACT.

Motivation or recommendation letter : You can add some extra points if you express your interest to the university to which you intend to apply through a motivation letter, in which you detail why you have chosen it and why you should be accepted. You could also opt for a letter of recommendation from a teacher or school director that indicates the reasons why you stand out as a student.

Application procedure

In general, the steps to follow to apply to a foreign university are as follows:

Presentation of documents : Which have been previously mentioned (Visa, insurance, academic record, essay, letter of motivation or recommendation, proof of foreign language).

Payment for application to the application process : Which can cost between US$75 and US$125. Remember that you can not pay this cost if you apply to one of the universities with which GSG has an agreement.

Entrance exam : Mandatory requirement for almost all universities in the world. Although the tests differ from those taken locally, verbal and mathematical reasoning skills are usually assessed.

Personal interview : It can be with university personnel or with the admission director of the university to which you are applying.

Reception of the response : After having gone through all the previous steps, receiving the final response confirming the entry may take between two or three months.

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