​pokemon go doubles Nintendo's market cap

Pokemon GO doubles the value of Nintendo in the stock market

Few video games have caused the fury that the Pokémon brand has achieved over the years, since its first edition more than two decades ago, this game has come to show that such a competitive market can be a platform to explore new ideas and is now that with its new concept, Pokémon GO doubles the value of Nintendo in the stock market

​pokemon go doubles Nintendo's market cap

Augmented reality is a revolution that has been announced for a long time, in fact there are games that have explored this novel field of technology, but a benchmark was needed to really exploit this potential to the fullest.

Thus, Pokémon GO has been presented in some countries around the planet, although most markets continue to lag behind, this is the case of Latin America, to which company directors respond that as a business model it is essential to have a polished product, And it is that, although the game has not been officially released on this side of the world, the app has been leaked and there are already several thousand players connecting to the game servers, causing problems for legitimate players.

But the real impact of Pokémon GO is in the result it brings to the numbers of the popular Japanese company Nintendo, which in just 15 days after its launch has doubled value on the stock market.

Only in the first week it had already risen 57%, a behavior that the video game giant had not presented since 1983. We are talking about the fact that in just 15 days, Nintendo has achieved what it could not in more than 30 years and this is just beginning.

The business model of monetizing mobile games through micro transactions is becoming more and more popular and this may be the signal that the conventional video game industry was needing to start launching its titles massively through cell phones and tablets.

But this phenomenon not only impacts Nintendo, for example, in the United States there are already telephone companies that are offering free data consumption to play Pokémon GO, a movement that will surely attract many users due to their high consumption at the time to play the. 

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